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Habits to Live a long Life: How to live Healthy body


Live to be 100

Can you Live to be 100?

Here are some golden tips from a man, who, in his 97th year, hopes to live to be 100 years old and to do so happily and in good health till the very end. Obviously, not everyone will benefit from these recommendations, but who knows? Maybe they'll help you live longer. 

How to Live to 100 Years Old (and even a Few More)

Here are some recommendations from a man who, at the age of 99, anticipates living to 100 in good health and with delight. Obviously, not everyone will benefit from these recommendations, but who knows? Maybe they'll help you live longer.

I never thought I'd live past 70, so when I did reach 75 and then 80, I was rather taken aback. My wife and I started to believe that she would pass away after I did, perhaps five years later. It never happened that way because she passed away last year at the age of 88. Sadness is the norm, yet I'm still around and just turned 93. I have been a Wilson man for five generations, making me the oldest Wilson man ever. How did that come to pass?

It all started when, 20 years ago, I came dangerously close to dying from a heart attack. The symptoms were unlike from those of my father, who endured two years of severe chest pains, the last of which resulted in his death. He was 66. He also favoured greasy, fried foods, smoked a lot, and was quite out of shape.

Several years ago, when I was 74, I was  around the block in St. George on a sweltering day when I suddenly felt a searing pain in my jaw. I didn't think it had anything to do with my heart, but rather my teeth or gums. When I choose to ignore the severe discomfort, it vanished. The next day, while I was passing my doctor's office in the car, I got the idea to pull over and talk to him about the pain. He wasn't there, but when his receptionist overheard my problems, she grew pale and took me to a local doctor who checked me out across the hall. The doctor gave off a disturbed expression before sending me straight to the hospital, where I found a different team of medical personnel waiting for me at the door. They dragged me into an examination room and stripped me there. When they injected dye into my femoral artery, they rapidly learned that a large piece of cholesterol was 90% blocking the primary artery that supplied my heart muscle. doctors promised to fly me to a hospital in Salt Lake City where doctors could implant a stent in the artery and restore normal blood flow. They said they would do this right away. I heard someone remark that I might not make it through the journey. Yikes!

One of the few cardiologists in Utah State who specialises in stent procedures is right now lecturing to local cardiologists in our hospital in St. George on how to perform the stent installation process. Perhaps he might handle the task since he is here right now. A call came in for him. Amazingly, the doctor quickly responded, performed surgery, skillfully inserted the life-saving stent in the artery, and saved my life. Oh my goodness, that was near! Twenty years later, the stent is still performing well. The doctor is also, as he eventually chose to relocate to St. George. He is currently my primary cardiologist, which is yet another amazing coincidence.

I eventually got to see the outcomes of the comprehensive blood tests they conducted before the stent procedure after I had recovered. The results of many of the main tests (cholesterol, LDL, etc.) were dangerously high. I weighed 205 pounds, and I was also in horrible physical shape. shocking outcomes I decided to start living a healthier lifestyle after that. In order to modify my lifestyle and become healthier and more active, as well as to look much younger than I actually am (guesses range from 52 to 75 vs. real age of 93), I did the following:

I took the prescription drugs that my doctor had prescribed while forgoing some risky ones.

I conducted research and started consuming the suggested vitamins, minerals, supplements, and healthy natural items.

I've shed 30 lbs with daily exercise, and my muscle tone and tendon flexibility have improved.

I fully modified my diet to include only healthy foods and beverages, eliminating anything bad.

I make it a point to visit my doctors every six months so they can assess how I'm doing and offer advice.

Continue reading to learn what I do every day to maintain my health, as well as what I eat and drink. I realise that your diet might not be your cup of tea, but I can assure you that it has worked wonders for me. Although you might not find my daily exercise routine appealing or practical owing to physical or financial restrictions, I am certain that it has kept me active and energised.

Supplements, vitamins, and minerals I take every day:

11 ounces make up my morning smoothie. Bolthouse Farms juice, 11 oz., in your choice of flavour from Wal-Mart. Banana, coconut milk, Orgain protein drink mix with fruit and vegetable powders, etc.

The following should be added to your blender:

L-glutamine (for the digestive and immunological systems), Spirulina powder, Moringa powder, and Dr. Gundry's Vital Red powder. daily amounts that the manufacturer recommends.

I take high strength major vitamins and minerals every morning with the smoothie, which are said to be good for persons my age.


C, B, D, E.


Magnesium and zinc.


Focus Factor, CoQ-10, Cool Cayenne, Fish Oil, Turmeric/Ginger, and Turmeric Concentrate. These supplements' substantiated advantages are widely acknowledged. The majority of health food stores carry these.

My midday energy boost and immune system support Elderberry juice (40 mg Sambucol), 8 oz. of Canada Dry Tonic water (with quinine), and one eye dropperful of Wellness Herbal Resistance fluid (immune system regulation) are combined.

Smoother skin and better digestion

Every morning on an empty stomach, I take a tablespoon of Organic Chetoui Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Robust) and a tablespoon of Blackberry Ginger Balsamic Vinegar, both made by Redstone Olive Oil, LLC.

Skin care

To keep my skin moisturised and looking as well as it can at my age, I use my own Island Trend Tamanu Oil-based products every day. For more information, go to

Pain in the muscles or tendons (after excessive golf and walking):

I only find pain relief with Dr. Hoy's ointment, therefore I use it.

Dinner and lunch:

I frequently have lunch at a restaurant where I can receive a wholesome meal that includes protein, potatoes, and vegetables. I often have another protein beverage without any added ingredients for dinner. I ingest a lot of water during the day. It's crucial!

My everyday workout regimen:

Before breakfast, I spend 10 minutes working out on my Lifetime Vibe machine. While using the equipment, I exercise my fingers, arms, and legs. Although the device is pricey, it is the best and most dependable one available, and I find that using it regularly considerably improves my mood. I then spend another five minutes stretching my muscles. I move fairly quickly while walking at least a mile every day. I go golfing once every week. My much younger golfing friends are astonished that I can still play (sadly, my scores are not now available).

You may think that this exercise programme and related equipment are too expensive or complicated for you to consider or afford, but the programme has helped me and may be able to do the same for you. A premature death might be more expensive and upsetting.

By W.M.Paul

Health Warning

Before commencing any fitness or nutrition programme, always consult your doctor. This broad knowledge is not meant to diagnose any medical problem or to take the place of a healthcare provider.

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